Fission aspires to grow to connect SFF communities around the world.
Remember, Fission ebooks are available to members for free download at BSFA online. You can buy print paperbacks on Amazon. Fission #4
Fission #3
Fission #2 Volume 2
Fission #2 Volume 1
Fission #1
Review copies? Email 
Opening soon for Fission #5!
Editors Gene Rowe and Eugen Bacon are delighted to announce that submissions for Fission #5 are opening. We’re excited to read your original science fiction stories!
The submissions window opens at midnight on 13 February 2025 and closes at 11:59 pm on 26 February 2025.
Submission guidelines:
- Email submissions to and put “Fission #5 submission” in the subject header. Please COPY AND PASTE your story into the body of the email. NO ATTACHMENTS.
Due to ongoing cybersecurity concerns, we’ll delete any submission that is an attachment or has hyperlinks.
- We invite original science fiction stories (genre-bending stories welcome!) up to 5,000 words, and offer a contributor payment rate of 2 pence per word.
- We do not accept reprints. We may consider translations for work that has never been published in the English language.
- One submission per author, simultaneous submissions welcome, but tell us when your work is accepted elsewhere so we can withdraw it from Fission.
You don’t need to be a BSFA member to submit.
Important note on generative AI: We do not accept any work created or altered by generative ‘AI’ such as, but not limited to, Midjourney and ChatGPT.
Questions? Email

Fission #4 - and the winners are...!

After two intense months of reading 350 submissions, over 1.1 million words to read, editors Eugen Bacon and Gene Rowe are thrilled to announce our 23 successful authors whose stories we very much enjoyed, and now appear in Fission #4:
- Robert Bagnall, 'Formula 719: The Cure for Ennui'
- Caroline Corfield, 'The Printer'
- Barlow Crassmont, 'Falling Upwards'
- Sarina Dorie, 'Science Fiction Fairy Tales: Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel, and Aladdin'
- J.D. Dresner, 'The Death Sentence'
- G.J. Dunn, 'Mirror Cast'
- Timons Esaias, 'Results'
- J.L. George, 'Digital Hell is Cold'
- Liam Hogan, 'Compatibility'
- Ian Li, 'Everyone is Dying to Work Here'
- Susan L. Lin, 'Moonshot: An Oral History of Our Solar System’s Great Lunar Uprising'
- Ashton Macaulay, 'The Manual'
- Remi Martin, 'The Performance of Your Life'
- Teresa Milbrodt, 'Dye Job'
- Templeton Moss, 'Nibor's Report'
- Carsten Schmitt, 'Wagner's Voice'
- Harry Slater 'There are Days When you Will be Terrified of Airplanes'
- Jeff Somers, 'Lone Star. Deep Black. Hum.'
- Jake Stein, 'Human Garbage'
- Ángel Luis Sucasas, 'Farewell' (CELSIUS, trans. by James Womack)
- Mark Thomas, 'Ransom'
- Guan Un, 'An Object of Vision'
- Robinne Weiss, 'Space Brat' (also nominated for CELSIUS story swap, Spanish translation)
- Cherry Zheng, 'The Summoner'.
BUY NOW! Fission #4 on Amazon
Fission #4 - Honourable mentions
Colleen Anderson |
Alicia Hilton |
Ian Bentwood |
Julia LaFond |
Donald J. Bingle |
Fiona Moore |
Craig Church |
Spencer Nitkey |
Ryan Cole |
Uche Nwaka |
Garick Cooke |
Chris Reeve |
Derek Des Anges |
James Reuss |
Cecilia Gigliotti |
Carol Ryles |
Lynne Green |
Ben Spillers |
Peter Griffin |
Daniel Stride |
Jon Hansen |
Richard Zwicker |
Thank you to everyone who submitted!

| |

Fission #3 cover by South African author and artist, Stephen EmbletonFission #3
Congratulations to the following authors whose stories are in Fission #3:
- Kevin Taylor - Rhombus, Kite, Triangle (Celsius swap - Spanish trans.)
- Fiona Moore - Daedalus’ Wings
- Desmond Astaire - It’s a Nash Equilibrium, Then
- Angela Liu - Happiness Quality Quotient
- Tony Jones - Fiat Nox
- Elaine McIonyn - And Will Be Used Against You
- Matt Thompson - Aria dell’Ostrica
- Sam Rugg - The Measure of a Men
- Melissa Ferguson - Phlogiston
- David Wright - Las Artes Hipnóticas (2032)
- Peter J. Carter - Douglas Allen: Galactic Attorney-at-Law
- Lyle Hopwood - The Burn Out
- Rob Butler - 100 Places to visit before you die: No. 97: The Moon
- Carol Ryles - Home is Where the Heart Was
- Morgan Parks - I Said Aliens
- Antonia Rachel Ward - Personification
- Ron Hardwick - Future Imperfect
- Marc A. Criley - Possumsaurus amicus
- C. L. Spillard - Sound of Mind
- Jason Fischer and Martin Livings - A City Beneath (And How to Hide From It)
- Eva Garcia Guerrero - The Precious Physical World (Celsius swap - English translation).

Fission #2 Volume 2
Congratulations to the following authors whose stories are in Vol. 2.
- Rob Nisbet, ‘A Brief History’
- David Gullen, ‘Bluebell Apocalypse’
- Nina Shepardson, ‘The First Contact Cookbook’
- Michael James, ‘Short Turn Memory’
- Redfern Jon Barrett, ‘The Past Made Flesh’
- Matt McHugh, ‘The Heart Knows Only That It Wants’
- Mark Thomas, ‘Mittens Aurelius: Meowditations’
- James Edward O’Brien, ‘Postmortem Mandy’
- Ray Daley, ‘I Hide Behind Cardboard Cliffs and Polystyrene Rocks’
- Bruce Golden, ‘Rite of Passage’
- Melissa Ferguson, ‘Deliquescence’
- Jason J. McCuiston, ‘An Enemy’s Wake’
- Peter Glazebrook, ‘Enturing Love’
- Fiona Moore, ‘The Little Friend’
- Matt Cahill, ‘Somewhere in a Dead Field’
- Ian C. Douglas, ‘Charles Darwin and the South Seas Monster’.

Fission #2 Volume 1
Congratulations to the following authors whose stories are in Vol. 1:
- Ron Hardwick, ‘Sage and the Resurrection of Doctor Chronos’
- Aleksandra Hill, ‘Words of Advice at the End of the World’
- David Tallerman, ‘Face the Inevitable’
- Caroline Misner, ‘The Epsilon Requirement’
- Andrew Darlington, ‘Buffalo Soldiers’
- Peter Medeiros, ‘Bad Architecture’
- Tim O’Neal, ‘Otherworldly Jellyfish’
- Mary Soon Lee, ‘Truth Conquers All’
- Clare Turner, ‘In Person’
- Chinaza Eziaghighala, ‘Osimiri’
- Phil Nicholls, ‘Missy Hood Tweets’
- Maddison Stoff, ‘Zombie Harold Holt Returns to Parliament’
- K. C. Grifant, ‘Cynscout’
- Michael Noonan, ‘All the Time in the World’
- Ellen Denton, ‘The Portal’
- Ian Whates, ‘The FenZone’
- Jeffrey Somers, ‘Free from Want’
- Patricia García-Rojo, ‘The Fifth Awakening’ (CELSIUS, Translator: Mike Lucas)

Fission #1
Our 2021 stories:
'The Aminals Marched in Two By Two' by Syeda Fatima Muhammad
'A Pall of Moondust' by Nick Wood
'Lyonesses' by So Mayer
'The Lego Calf' by Jon Bilbao
'The Witch and the Elderman' by Peter Haynes
'The Trip' by Michael Crouch
'Etaerio' by Rosie Oliver
'The First and Last Safe Place' by C. John Arthur
'Here' by Gene Rowe
'The Blood Between Us' by Katherine Franklin
'Wanderlust' by Eugen Bacon & E. Don Harp
'Time Keep' by Elad Haber
'Power of Attorney' by Louis Evans
'I Love Google Maps/Death to Google Part 1' by Paul Beacon
The story chosen to be published in Celsius is 'Lyonesses' by So Mayer.
